How to Manage Your Time as a Leader with John Hall at Calendar

Attention Leaders: You have likely felt overscheduled before. If the old strategies are not working, discover how to manage your time as a leader in new ways. My guest today is John Hall, Co-founder at is more than a tool to improve your calendar. It is a way to get a grip on your life. Johns shares a new way to manage your time as a leader by sharing the data behind your schedule. John will give you insight into what works and doesn’t work to manage your time.

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Target Audience: John Hall is the Co-founder at He wrote a book called “Top of Mind” and do a lot of speaking on helping people build trust and engage the people that matter to them most. Also, a PR/SEO/Thought Leadership strategist that can give an honest assessment of what you can do better to become more of a leader in your industry.

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Disclaimer: This transcript was created using YouTube’s translator tool and that may mean that some of the words, grammar, and typos come from a misinterpretation of the video.

John Hall [0:00]
I’m a believer of time boxing, even for personal things, you should still allow your brain to rest. You know, you should even schedule break times, like schedule me time schedule this stuff. So you can just connect and you should be scheduling time with your spouse, I should be scheduling time with my wife and I didn’t. And then Shane is like, he’s like, Yeah, man, it’s an entrepreneur like you’re, you know, you got bigger all over the place, I understand. And then he puts his data in an area, he signs up, the first person, his wife, and I are like, You’re kidding me. And so it’s like, that was a realization for me where it’s like, and I think that like, there are personal and professional benefits from doing better with your calendar, because like, in that case, if you have a better relationship, your wife, your spouse, you’re going to have a better work relationship, you’re going to be happier. And so I think that what I like about kind of what we’re getting into is that even though it’s simple analytics at this point, the more we help people understand is that like, what’s the best version of myself?

Intro [0:56]
Welcome to Growth Think Tank. This is the one and only place where you will get insight from the founders and the CEOs, the fastest-growing privately held companies. I am the host, my name is Gene Hammett, I hope leaders and their teams navigate the defining moments of their growth. Are you ready to grow?

Gene Hammett [1:14]
What is your relationship with time? What is your relationship with your calendar? You have a love-hate relationship with both of these things. Well, if you’re a leader and you’re being pulled in many directions, you’ve got many people that you’re leading and managing. And you’ve got a lot of clients, you’ve got growth to manage, and you’ve also got a family, you’ve got personal interest, then your time is essential. In fact, many people say it’s your most valuable resource. I do believe that you can take simple steps to improve your relationship with time to increase your productivity, increase your ability to focus, all of those things inside today’s episode, our guest is the co-founder of is a place where you can actually manage your time and it unique way through many of the tools they have, you can do it across your team as well. is a really powerful resource. If you have a growing company, and you want to take it to the next level. The guest today is John Hall. Now I will disclose John is a personal friend of mine, but they have so much access to data around what is going on inside of our time, what’s working, what’s not working, and I thought it’d be really good for you to tune in and listen to our conversation about time, I asked him some of the simple questions like what are the three steps to improve your energy management with your time? And what do you need to stop doing? I love this conversation because time is such a critical element. If you want to get a free resource about time, I’m going to give it to you right now. All you have to do is go to that will give you insight into how to spend your time. There’s three exercises from guests that have been on the show before they will help you to reuse your time to the highest effective Active usage. When you think about your time, it’s one of the most critical resources you have, make sure you manage it, go to Gene forward slash productivity. Now, here’s the interview with John Hall, co-founder of Calendar.

Gene Hammett [3:12]
John, how are you?

John Hall [3:14]
I’m doing well. How are you doing?

Gene Hammett [3:16]
I’m fantastic. Trying to match you and beard quality has a long way to go.

John Hall [3:21]
Yeah, yeah. I mean, I would at least trimmed it up here. I didn’t know as you as I just told you. I didn’t know you’re doing a video. But now we’re doing video you just get a raw form right here of just No, no terms at all. And actually, I did shave though, but at least I got someone cleaned up.

Gene Hammett [3:35]
Well, I’m excited to talk to you we go way back. We’re friends from, I don’t know, probably 510 years. But we’re going to talk about one of the new ventures that you’re on you’re you’ve got this really big mission and something that really I think a lot of us struggle with, which is our calendar. So you’ve got the domain calendar calm. Tell us what aims to do.

John Hall [3:59]
Yeah, really we got into this. I mean, you know that in the past, like I’ve done a lot of PR and media placement and things to do with content. And as I was exiting the last company, my business partners named john Rampton, on the calendar. We’ve been talking a lot, about what’s important to us, like I talked about, like, what should I do a nonprofit next, like, what are the different things that we can do in life. And what kept coming up actually, as funny as it is, I wanted to do a CRM called thoughtfully, and it was about how we manage our time with important relationships. So I was like, Oh, cool. It’s not a nonprofit, but I can help people value the relationships that matter most to them. And so what ended up happening is we kept on being like, wow, like, in reality, like, the reason why people don’t do this because we’re doing all this research.

John Hall [4:48]
The reason why people don’t do a lot of things they want is that they don’t manage their time effectively. Or they always say, I don’t have time. A lot of times, if you say, hey, do you want to do this? And somebody goes, Oh, yeah, I’d like to buy some time. So then we begin I’m obsessed with this kind of time mentality of like, being self-aware of how you’re spending your time making it easier to schedule, make it easier to understand how your team’s spending their time. And so that’s where, you know, when we looked at the calendar, there just wasn’t anything out there that we love. Like we’ve used tools around us. We use a calendar, we use schedule once, we’d use different ones. And we actually had the time I think I was using eight different calendar tools. And so I think there are good ones out there, but there’s not a center central one that is the one that covers over yahoo calendar, Google Calendar, Outlook, and that’s something that I needed because my wife’s on Outlook I’m on Google on a dis printers on iCal and so I wanted a central place that would you know, basically be the part that can communicate across those platforms while bringing the features so I don’t have to have eight different tools. So that’s how it sparked and you know, what’s been kind of a blessing from it isn’t we’ve been able to see and understand a lot more of how I mean me, how I spend my time and how We can do things better, just by understanding the scheduling system and making it a lot easier.

Gene Hammett [6:06]
I know you mentioned the calendaring tool. And I’ve seen different people respond to that calendaring tool, as, Oh, how dare you to send me a link to schedule, all the work goes is on my behalf. Now, I personally feel like these calendaring tools are one of the best inventions ever because it I don’t have to go back and forth. There’s, you know, anytime I actually have to do the back and forth because some I don’t want us in the calendar to I want a personal experience. It’s painful. And when you are working with so many people, like how do you suggest using that calendar link to book people on there? I know you’ve got some unique ways of looking at things. But some people really resist it. Others embrace it. How do you guys use that?

John Hall [6:52]
Yeah. So I mean, if it’s Eugene, I’m just in the blank. And just because we have a relationship that I’m comfortable Somebody I’m not at or it’s more formal, the I call this calendar etiquette. So it’s basically your, that that’s a valid thing is that some people are like, wait a minute Hold on, you know, I’m or they might even think the link is cool, but people are habitual. So when you tell them to do something that’s out of their outside habits where they’re used to just saying, Hey, this is what I’m free. So I think that what you do there, in that case, is like I always even owning, you know, being an owner of, I still say, hey, let me know what times work best for you. Or you can easily schedule your calendar here. And so just adding that and it’s like, and I think that that takes away the pressure of someone being like, Oh, so I have to do this. And what’s funny is that even people I know that don’t like that feel that way, when I give them the option, and I say, hey, either do this or this. They always use the link. The only problem is, is that when you only it’s kind of Yeah, you know, there are people that when they have options, they’re like, Oh, this is awesome. And then, they you know, pick That option and no problems, but if that’s the only option there like, I’m not doing that. And so I think that just doing some calendar etiquette there and having that in your templates, I think that’s that solves that problem.

Gene Hammett [8:10]
I use that approach too. Sometimes I think I go back and forth. And I wanted to, you know, you see a lot of data across this. So my next question is going to be around data. But I wanted to, you know, how do we best use those calendar links? So thanks for that insight. The data that you see, I don’t know how many users are on I don’t we don’t need to go into that to the, you know, the secrets behind the sauce. But you’ve got a lot of data points. What are you learning by looking at all of these data points is as you can have this kind of master view of what’s going on inside of people’s calendars?

John Hall [8:48]
Yeah, so simple like that. And I’m pulling stuff I’m paying attention. I’m not checking my email. But like I when you look at this, like, I’m just very basic analytics. So when I’m looking at what You know, I told you about, I used to have a lot, a ton of our meetings, and more than ours and it’s like, I can’t hold my attention longer than 20 or 30 minutes. So the idea that I had like, at one point, there was one week I was 30% of my meetings were more than an hour. And now I’m down to, it looks like 5% of my meetings are more than an hour. So like, and that’s where just understanding those things.

John Hall [9:25]
How many I actually missed or canceled, is down to one per one. There’s been one in the last two weeks that I’ve canceled. That used to be like 10 or 15. Like I looked at that I was like, I’m kind of an asshole, to be honest with you is that like, who cancels 15 meetings in a week? Like, that’s not a cool person. And so it was like, and so I looked at that, and I was like, Alright, that’s not cool. Ones that like certain things. It’s like how you’re spending your time like, um, you know, when I look at this, with who, for example, this was a funny one. I think I told you this story. Is that I’m sitting down with Shane snip snow, who owns contently and we’re having his dinner this was before COVID. And I’m like, you know what I just plugged into my, my, my data into our analytics. And my wife wasn’t even in like top 30 people I spent I scheduled time with like that’s but that’s like bad. She’s such an important person in my life. And I don’t even put her in the schedule. And I’m a believer in time boxing, even for personal things, you should still allow your brain to rest. You know, you should even schedule break times, like schedule me in time schedule this stuff. So you can disconnect and you should be scheduling time with your spouse, I should be scheduling time with my wife and I didn’t. And then Shane is like, he’s like, Yeah, man. It’s an entrepreneur. Like you’re, you know, you got you all over the place, I understand.

John Hall [10:44]
And then he plugs his data in an area he signs up, and the first person is his wife, and I’m like, You’re kidding me. And so it’s like, that was a realization for me where it’s like, and I think that like there are personal and professional benefits from you know, doing better work. your calendar because like in that case, if you have a better relationship, your wife, your spouse, you’re going to have a better work relationship, you’re going to be happier. And so I think that what I like about kind of what we’re getting into is that even though it’s simple analytics at this point, the more we help people understand is that like, what’s the best version of myself, even on the sales team, we find out that like, there’s a lot of data that shows it’s around 22 minutes is the best time for sales.

John Hall [11:25]
There’s a lot of information that goes into that, for example, you have eight minutes leftover to prepare for the next meeting. And also like reflect, write down notes do different things, in addition, is that long drawn out sales, they miss a lot of things and like you move past a lot of the core things and so you know when you look at your salespeople, you can look and say look at their scheduling very consistently for 20 or for you know, 2530, you know, 30 minutes, these are scheduling calls for an hour, but the people who are doing better than ones who are scheduling 30 minutes calls, this is a practice that we need to get going across our sales team. So there’s a lot of data like that you can look at and understand. And it’s not big brother ish. It’s more of just understanding like, Hey, this is how we can do things better. So it’s no data that’s making you come down on people. It’s helping understand best practices of like what people can do to perform better.

Commercial [12:15]
Hold on for a second, I want to make sure you understand what he means by a scheduled time for a wife. One of the things I know as leaders is what scheduled gets done. And so if you want to think about spending time with your wife, especially in the time of COVID, especially in the time of being shut down, I would say you should be intentional about spending time with your wife. This is one of the areas where I’m going to be honest with you, I could do a better job. I love spending time with my wife. I love taking her for walks, I love going to dinner, I love doing all the things that are necessary. But do I’m putting on my calendar? The answer is not that much. So one of the things I’m going to make because of today’s interview is to put time on my calendar so that I’m spending time with my wife, also my son, so what are you going to do because of today’s Interview back to john.

Gene Hammett [13:03]
Now as COVID has been around for four months through, through all this, are you noticing any differences in the way calendars are being used or how we’re able to approach our work? I know I’ve experienced a few things myself, but want to know what you’ve seen?

John Hall [13:21]
Time has become a lot more important to people, all of a sudden, it’s a people are a lot more caring about how they spend their time. Like this is alike, as sad as it is like COVID is a very sad, you know, thing that that’s really bad for a lot of people. But there are some good things that have come out of it, in my opinion, is that you know, the value of time, who we spend it with, how much we spend it with how we work with our team members, how we get along with our team members. I think that you know, there is some extremism going on in our world today. But I think that at least, you know, there are some good people realizing that life is short, you know, and people are valuing time More than ever.

John Hall [14:00]
So we’ve actually had a lot more useful and people being on the tool a lot more and understanding and actually, like we’re in US numbers, it’s like we’re getting somewhere between 300 and 500 new users a day. And so that was not the case six months ago. And so we are getting a lot of interest. And I think that it has helped people understand that time is more important. Scheduling is more important. Also, with remote cultures, you have to be really good at the time. Like, for example, one of the features we just did was find a time and it shows your whole team what their schedule is on different accounts. So your account managers, your sales team, so I can go in and be like, here’s all their times that are free. This is you know, these are this is a timer, everybody’s free, and then it sends it out.

John Hall [14:41]
So, you know, you had doodle functionality, which, you know, is a cool tool as well. But that’s a lot of manual and things like that. And so, you know, we’re looking at as we’re doing us, you know, as we’re doing these features, especially during the time of COVID. It’s like what is going to help people actually value their time more and also just kind of also be a better teammate. So that they’re actually there, they’re saving everybody time around them. And so those are the things that we’re starting to kind of shift to saying in this time of COVID. what features are coming into play that is important to people? So I think it’s it’s been good for us. But once again, it’s sad, as we got on this call, I was like, it’s a very weird time and we need to be supportive of each other and look out for, you know, how we can be better teammates.

Gene Hammett [15:25]
I don’t disagree with that. John, I appreciate you sharing some of these insights. I know you’ve got a lot of experience writing for some of the major publications in business, whether it be Inc or Forbes and all the others out there. I’m going to give you a chance to do a listicle here. You know, we love those listicles right, as writers.

John Hall [15:45]
Yeah, a lot of us.

Gene Hammett [15:48]
What’re the top three ways of approaching your calendar to increase your level of energy. The top three kinds of strategies that you either use yourself or that you’ve seen really helps you manage your own energy when it comes to your calendar.

John Hall [16:06]
So the first thing is time boxing so time boxing if you look up the term simply just boxing out time for you have this amount of time to get this project or get this done and that is a huge thing because one I love time boxing and there’s a lot of different resources for you here you can read some of my content near you all he wrote in distractible, a great book to read it’s a yellow book if you type in near he wrote the book hooked and then he talks about time boxing as well and has been for a while and so we end if you go across anybody who’s a productivity kind of expert, they really value that but it’s they call it different things so that’s the first step is that box have time one it’s not like some people think it’s like crazy, like when you schedule out, you know, 30 minutes every for this, this and this and I’m like yeah, like for I Scott When I get home 30 minutes for my, you know, to be there for my daughter. So in the air, my daughter’s and so for those 30 minutes, I’m disconnected, I’m not thinking about work. Now if I don’t schedule that, as crazy as it is, I will think about work.

John Hall [17:14]
And so I think that for me, it’s given me more energy because I’m able to allocate time and effort in the right way. And so it’s vice versa the same time is that when I dedicate time to work things here, I gotta, you know, tell my kids is like, hey, during this time, this update is going to be working, and I need to be very focused. Now, you know, like, if I’m able to have that clear focus time, then you’re going to get me unplugged and very present, you know, for you then. So I think that that’s the thing that has energized me a lot. And that’s what scheduling helps a lot with. I think also making scheduling easier. So there’s a lot of barriers like, honestly, with when you try and like get on the phone with someone or whatever, like you, I like talking to people and a lot of times people like interacting, but just like the F that it takes and so like I like that just you know, we talked about the politeness or the how people can take sending the link wrong. I love it like actually getting systems in play because I also schedule more meetings because it’s like if I’m a real schedule at the right time, and it’s easier for me, I can have more people that are staying top of mind. And this goes back to like, the book that I wrote called Top of Mind is that if you’re if you make these processes and these habits easy for you, with scheduling, who you’re spending your time with all that, then you can do a lot more and you can stay top of mind with more people. And so that’s where like, I get energy when inbound opportunities come. So for example, like nothing gets me excited, we’re like wrong, like, say we’re on this call and I get it and in an email that’s like, Hey, we have a new calendar, you know, the user or, hey, we have someone who wants you to help with, you know, some PR strategy or media strategy.

John Hall [18:52]
Those things energize me because I don’t have to do the work to go out and like hustle at a conference and the outbound sales calling. So I think that for me making those processes very easy and like, you know, keeping things top of mind. And I think scheduling well and doing owning your calendar helps you a lot. And then the last thing is that only owning your calendar is that when you when you’re just doing like last like you’re tracking, you’re being lackadaisical about your calendar. So you’re being kind of lazy about it, you end up having people take over your time a lot more. And so we call I call this time hijacking. And I am legitimately the worst person with getting time hijack, not because of other people, because I have a significant problem with talking. I talk way too much. And I enjoy talking to others. So if I don’t, if I’m not very deliberate about my schedule, and people are in this office, I’m going to go out and hang out. That’s a serious issue that I have to work out with myself. But the scheduling of actually doing it and creating structure around it, you know, really, really does help. And so I think that just having the tool and being engaged in it working in it more helps me like think about my time more and I’m a lot more productive and excited about what I’m getting done. So those are kind of three areas that I would say,

Commercial [20:05]
Hold on for a second. John just mentioned timeboxing. He also mentioned Nir. Nir has been on the show before. So you really love for you to go back to that episode, we talked about distraction, what that means, and how you can manage that being in distractible is what we talked about specifically. But on top of this whole time boxing thing, one of the resources I mentioned earlier, is something I want you to go get it’s absolutely free, will help you learn to use your time to a higher level, give you more effectiveness, energy management and give you more productivity. So all you have to do to get that absolutely free is going to You can download it and you will get free access to three different ways to improve your productivity, your usage of time, and it will give you everything that you need. If you use it. Just go to Now back to the interview with John.

Gene Hammett [20:59]
I want to kind of follow that theme with making it easy for you to think about your writing skills is what do we need to stop doing when it comes to our calendar? A lot of the leaders I work with don’t have enough time. They literally prioritize a lot of other stuff other than actually spending time with their employees or difficult conversations. But I would love for you to just go through the one thing that you think we need to stop doing in order to really understand our own calendar and use it effectively.

John Hall [21:31]
Hmm, I mean, the first thing is to actually be able to say no, like, so stop saying yes. So I’m a yes person, especially when I like someone. And so this is what I like doing at the end of the week. I go and I look in calendar, and I first like right now I’m looking at my top 10 encounters, and I’m looking through and when I mean encounters and saying how many meetings so I scheduled Um, there’s one person, I’m looking at Right now that is my third person that I’m that I have no idea why I’m spending so much time with her. Like in that person should not be taking up any brain space at all for me.

John Hall [22:11]
So like, I’m looking at that now the fourth one, absolutely, she is, she’s extremely valuable, that’s something I should be, should be spending a lot of time with our team. And then and the other person is not on our team, I just don’t want you to think I was bashing the team. And so and so I look at this, and then the next one. Yep, that’s good, good, good. So I feel good about myself, actually, nine out of the 10 people I’m spending the most time with there. So I think for me is that, you know, go in this look at your encounters. You know, every day at the end of the week, go over your calendar and say, hey, what should I have turned down? What should I have not got on the phone for what should I have not done and it will help you plan and accept things in the future. And so that’s what I would say is like, stop the yeses. And I am this is something that I fail at a lot is that I say yes, way too much because I want to be helpful, too. People, but I think at this point, even myself, I’m, you know, we’re really working on myself of saying, hey, look at these, learn from it, and then plan better and be super-efficient with your time. You know, I’d rather have an employee work, you know, a lot fewer hours and spend time with their family, then, you know, basically work a 60 hour week and 20 or 30 of those hours were like, pointless, and they were like, you know, stuff that they really didn’t need to do. So I think that it at least that’s the culture that I think we’re moving into is that you know, your time is precious. And so you should at least be doing something that’s important to you personally, or you should be performing while at work, but none of this like oh, I spent 1015 hours you know, not being productive.

Commercial [23:43]
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Gene Hammett [24:12]
I want to wrap this up with one question to help all of the leaders out there. You have a pretty big team across multiple companies. You’ve got some other side businesses where you have a lot of people on your team. How do you think about their time? Are you I know you have the ability through the calendar to look at it some of the data behind this, but you’re not trying to micromanage them in any way or look at where they’re at, you know, when did they log in to the desk and so they started work, are you how do you really think about the time of so many people you have under your charge?

John Hall [24:47]
Yeah, and that’s it. Thanks for bringing that up because you don’t want to be micromanager in this case. Because I think we’re going away from the time of micromanagers. There’s a lot of data them you know micromanager can be devastating and so I think that from my standpoint is that we look at the tool as something to help us out at the time and to help us really think about how everybody spends their time being, and then also what we can do better. So it’s like if somebody is once again, spending a lot of time on long calls, and the results and their performances and doing well, I think that like, my, the way my brain works about, like, supporting a team is like, you know, if we hire you, you’re if we do our good job hiring, then you’re the right person. And if you’re not performing, there’s something that we’re missing here. And we got to find out what that is. And I and that’s what I love about it is that I try and say, Hey, like, Let’s trust. Like I can honestly say at this moment, this, you know, this time I trust, everybody on our team has always been the case on No, it hasn’t been and I’ve communicated you to this gene is that recently had an issue with trust, and we’ve tried to get that out of the area.

John Hall [25:58]
I mean, in reality, we don’t deal with that, you know, move Ford and I looked at other people and I’m like, you know, I do trust you. And if we do make a suggestion like that off, you know, the time data, it’s because there’s like, hey, like, you know, this, these are opportunities for growth. And that’s where I would like do not get a tool like a calendar or, you know, one of the other data tools and use it to micromanage. Use it as a way to, you know, look across a company on like, what, you know, who performs well, and how can we share these? So if there’s a salesperson that’s just rocking out, how are they spending their time and use that as a case study and say, Hey, this person’s really been killing it. Here’s an example of how they’re spending their time. They’re spending time on this many calls this you know, you know, doing like you’re not diving into every little thing but you like them, you can even ask them to present on it themselves. And that’s what I’ve done before is saying, hey, like you are killing it.

John Hall [26:49]
How are you spending your time and share with other people is like what is you know, what are the practices? What are the habits that you do? So, I think that for me, it maintains trust with your employees as well. best of your ability, but then also giving them tools and information and also make things easier on them, the easier you make, like as funny as it is, if you just take one simple barrier away, it might prevent that extra little work that pissed him off about a client that might not tip them over the edge. So if you can get technology or tools or something in play, that just makes things slightly easier. You got to look at that as like that could help. Like let’s say we do that five or 10 times with each employee like it’s great like we just gave, we’re giving electric bikes to all of our employees.

John Hall [27:33]
Now people are like, Why the heck would you do that? That’s an expensive thing, and not many people are and it’s also a liability issue. We haven’t been able to insure it right now. So I’m still working on that. But why do we do that? Well, we did that because like biking and exercise have been proven to obviously you know, help you know your work life, and you know, stress levels and different things like that. It’s also a fun thing to do. And so So like we look at those things is that, you know, if we give them electric bikes, are they gonna be more inclined to exercise? Yes. Will, that make them you know, let less stress out of work? We hope so. And if that just helps in this little bit, there’s gonna be a bit like, you know, let’s say there’s a client that gets mad, and it’s like, Hey, I’m pissed off about this, they went for a morning bike ride, they might go into that meeting a little more positive.

John Hall [28:23]
And the same thing with scheduling. If you make scheduling easy, you don’t have like, because just think about how many times you’ve shown if you show up for a call, and there was a missed schedule, it immediately starts an awkward conversation, because you’re like, oh, I’m late or sorry about this mix up is this and you’re apologizing even before you’ve even started a relationship with someone. So those are things that I look at across the team.

Gene Hammett [28:43]
John, thanks for being here to talk about time and energy management because I think not enough people really understand that. That our calendar is the central source of energy for everything that we’re doing. Some people take away the energy some people give us energy. So that’s one reason I want to have you here on the show, talk to the people that are really tuned in to take their life to the next level. So thanks.

John Hall [29:07]
Alright, well, thanks for having me. Love you, buddy. You’re always a good friend and look out for me. So anytime you need me on this to help out your readers or listeners, let me know.

Gene Hammett [29:15]
I love this interview to talk about time to help you create more time, create more focus, create more impact with the time you have. That’s what I wanted to do with this episode. John is a personal friend of mine, we go way back, but I know he has specific knowledge around how to set up your calendar to grow as an individual to grow as a leader, but also to help your team grow. That’s what this episode was about how to manage your time. So that being said, make sure you keep tuned in to Growth Think Tank. When you think about growth and you think about leadership, think about Growth Think Tank, as always lead with courage. We’ll see you next time.

Disclaimer: This transcript was created using YouTube’s translator tool and that may mean that some of the words, grammar, and typos come from a misinterpretation of the video.

GTT Featuring John Hall



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