One Simple Framework to Lead People Through Challenges and Issues – Behind The Scenes

You get what you tolerate. If you have an employee that encounters a challenge at work, you want to help them get unstuck. Removing the obstacle is an essential part of leadership. To lead people through challenges, you have to consider the person before you react. For example, if the person is new to this role, you may have to help them overcome the challenge with more support and prescriptive next steps. But for most employees, are not newbies, and you want to lead people through challenges using a different approach. Today, I give you the 3:3:1 framework for leading people through challenges. Inside this short video, I give you precisely what you need to be a strong leader that coaches your employee to solve their problems. You empower them to make their own decisions. When you lead people through challenges, you are not solving the problem for them. You allow them to solve it using the 3:3:1 framework. Plus, the bonus tip is to encourage your executive leadership time and even your middle managers to use the 3:3:1 framework to lead people through challenges.

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Behind the Scenes: The Transcript

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Disclaimer: This transcript was created using YouTube’s translator tool and that may mean that some of the words, grammar, and typos come from a misinterpretation of the video.

Do you get what you tolerate? Are you tolerating people bringing new challenges or problems, and you have to solve those problems for them? Well, if you’re tolerating it, and you’re giving them the next step, and you’re prescribing exactly what to do next, you’re training that person to come back to you, the next time they run into a problem, it could be a different problem could be the same problem. But you’re training them to come back to you to get the answers from you.

Now, this works in the early stages of business when you’re the founder, and you have time to give. But as your company grows, as people are growing, you want them to feel empowered, and you want them to do the work for themselves. Now, you may have to do this a little bit more intentionally with new employees, the newbies need, your patients need you to be a little bit more prescriptive. But most of your employees really are begging for you to help them solve it through leadership, not through prescriptive step by step. Now, let’s dive into this because I want to give you a framework inside this, that will unlock a really powerful way to lead people through challenges. And this framework is very easy to remember is the 331 framework. And it will help you guide your people to figuring out their own problems, help them make their own decisions. And that’s the key if you want to create strong leadership and a culture where people feel empowered, you want them to make their own decisions, right?

Well, inside the 331 framework, you can do that. And you use some coaching skills inside there. So there’s a lot going on the nuances behind it, a lot of people get stuck right here, but I’m gonna give it to you. And then I’ll give you a little kind of ways to get around some of the nuances behind it. So the 331 framework is this when someone comes to you with a problem or challenge, your job is not to solve it immediately. But your job is to ask three questions.

That’s the first part of these three questions, you want to ask them? What’s the real problem? So you don’t want to be surface level you want to find and go deeper into the core issue as opposed to looking at the symptoms. And so you may ask a couple of questions inside that, but you want to make sure that both of you are clear about what the real problem is. The second question behind this is what’s causing the problem? What’s the trigger for the problem? And once you get really clear about that, then you want to ask the third question, which is what is the impact across the organization across the other pieces? Who is being impacted? And what’s the impact? Once you get those three questions clear?

Then the next part of this is the real powerful element, which is three options. Do you want to ask her employee? What are the three options that we have available to us, when they are trained to get bring back the three options, they are looking at what could work, what might not work, they are looking at all aspects of this? And you want them to do that you are empowering them to look at the options of how we move forward through this challenge. And then we can give examples, but this is pretty simple for you. But the next piece behind this, the 331 framework is what is their recommendation, what is their one recommendation?

Now your job is not to, you know, berate them, if they don’t get the right thing that you think is the right thing, because they may really believe that this may work for them, the recommendation may work for their skillset may work, they may have more context than you. And so be open to what they come up with. Now, if you’re think there’s a risk associated with their option or their way, then you can always ask more questions, to get them to look at the perspective differently and get them to kind of go the direction that you think they should be going.

This is strong leadership because the 331 frameworks will give you a real insight into how they’re thinking about this challenge. And the problem that will give them the empowerment to come up with three options. And for them to feel like they can make a decision. and nine times out of 10. What I’ve seen when this happens is that leaders leave the conversation knowing that they didn’t tell them exactly what to do next. But they feel like that person is more clear about what’s going on. And they’re more engaged, more activated around getting through the challenge, as opposed to you telling them what the next step is.

Now, one of the things that get in the way of this is your own fear that you know better than they do. And that you won’t be able to do it the right way or they won’t be able to do it as quickly as you could do it. Now, I help a lot of leaders go through this and if we jumped on the phone for five minutes, I could help you create the breakthrough that will allow you to empower your people to a different level. Now, what you really want to take away from this is your job is not to solve the problems for them, but to coach them through experience and give them

The framework, the 331 framework is something that they can use themselves, but they can also use with their own team members, you can use this across an organization you can teach this is, you know what you expect of someone when they bring you a challenge, three questions, three options, one recommendation.

Now, when you think about you become an extraordinary leader, if you use a little framework like this, that will help you unlock something inside your organization. I do this all the time for my clients, I share these frameworks because I work with leaders in fast-growing companies. They’re going fast, and they’re in a lot of chaos and a lot of pressure. But they know, leadership is the key to predictable growth. If you want to have any questions about what that means inside your organization, I invite you to send me a direct message. I’d love to connect with you and see if I can answer any questions about what’s going on inside your world.

If you want to check out my website, just go to You can find out more details about how I serve people to be extraordinary leaders and create predictable growth across their company. Send me that direct message and I’ll talk to you soon. When you think of leadership and you think of growth Think Tank, as always lead with courage. We’ll see you next time.

Disclaimer: This transcript was created using YouTube’s translator tool and that may mean that some of the words, grammar, and typos come from a misinterpretation of the video.

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